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Coolus G helmet

Bronze Coolus G Helmet hand-burnished

Material: bronze with a thickness of 1,5 mm

Origin: Bronze replica of a Coolus G helmet – dated 1st century A.D. and found in Drusenheim Alsace Germany – also mentioned in the book “Roman Helmets” written by H. Travis & J. Travis. The helmet was made with a 1.5 mm bronze plate. This type of helmet, like many others, was cataloged by R. Robinson with the letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I; to distinguish the different types.

The article is out of stock, but it is possible to realize it in a period of time between 2/4 months. If you want to order please send us an email to: bernardopettorossi@gmail.com.


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Dimensions 1 × 1 cm